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For those of us who work in animal rescue, we greatly appreciate all our adoptive families, but it is the families that take in our senior, medical, and rehabilitative cases that hold a special place in our heart. Mike and Patty are just such a family. Mike & Patty have been taking some of our hardest to place animals for nearly nine years..including their beloved William. So moved by William, Patty wrote a beautiful poem Oh William when he crossed over the Rainbow Bridge.

Written by Patty Rochford

“Oh William”  How I will miss cleaning your face, watching you follow me wherever I am in the yard, and throwing a fit when I leave you for 5 minutes!

“Oh William” how I will miss giving you a bath the day before you’d go to get groomed because you were so old you couldn’t stay all day without a nap!  Did I mention I’ll miss our naps too?

“Oh William” how I will miss sharing my breakfast biscuits with you each morning and a chicken sandwich at the drive thru now and then.

“Oh William” how I will miss fixing YOUR special plate at dinner every night and chasing you out the door to catch you to take your meds…you always won, you little stinker!

“Oh William” how I will miss carrying you up and down the stairway for dinner because your old tired legs just couldn’t make it.  It was my pleasure my furry friend I always got to hug you close. I’ll cherish those special rides.

“Oh William” how I will miss you at bedtime keeping my feet warm, running up to kiss me in the face, and to plop down beside me for awhile for comfort. Sometimes for you, more for me!  How I will miss getting up at least 6 times to get a drink and to go racing out the door to “go potty” “Good boy Will”

“Oh William” how I will miss if mommy turned the lights off at bedtime and FORGOT to leave YOUR special lamp on that daddy set up just for you to burn all night. That BARK you would bellow out could rattle the windows!   I won’t tell anyone that my Big Boy William was afraid of the dark… I am too now Will without you!

“Oh William” always remember our last night together when you were so sick mommy cradled you in my arms and treasured every precious second knowing our time together was coming to a close. We sat for a while, and read the story about the Rainbow Bridge and it seemed to bring you a sense of peace and calm. Mommy also sang the Rainbow Connection song to you. And even tho my heart and voice was breaking you didn’t care as long as we were cuddling each other.
I’ll always cherish every moment we spent together Will. I just hope more than anything that you know you were truly LOVED!

“Oh William” all your furry baby’s left behind miss you so. But the two that miss you most are Mom and Dad!  Run and play now Will with no pain… Until YOU come scampering over the Rainbow Bridge to rescue Mom or Dad whoever comes first!  Go Rest Will Love You!

Remember Will to wait for me at the Rainbow Bridge!