482 dogs and 1144 cats and kittens were saved and found their forever homes! This is AMAZING!!
We are so thankful for our incredible staff who physically & mentally max themselves out daily.
Our staff members each carry about a 5 person work load daily. They shed more tears when we can’t save an animal than we would ever let on.
We are grateful to be partnered with the most incredible veterinarians who work tirelessly to help us save as many animals as we can.
Our fosters are the most patient, caring, & wonderful caregivers. They go through so many ups and downs with us and are critical to every animals’ healing process. We are beyond blessed to have you as part of our family.
To all who adopt, volunteer, donate, follow our page, share our stories and support us, you make all of these rescues possible! What a great year it was despite all of the challenges we ALL faced in 2020.
Our goal for 2021 is to save more at risk dogs and cats than in 2020 with your support.
From the bottom of our hearts we thank you!
We are funded by Royal reels - Online Casino & Slots in Australia.