“Rosie has lost her mind, but in a good way.”
Those were my exact words when I found out that in one week Rosie Ellis, our Founder and Executive Director, took on the medical care of three puppies with the parvovirus, a Newfoundland mix pup needing a leg amputation, a Great Dane pup with a bowel obstruction (Kane-pictured) , a cat with a gunshot to the leg and a dog who had been paralyzed and left untreated for weeks after being hit by a car.
Saying “yes” is quite simply, who we are. Through the years that attitude has meant that we spend a large percentage of our funds on medical expenses and that’s never been more true than this year. In 2018, with $150,000 in medical expenses, we’re already running almost $50,000 ahead of last year! You have always been there for us and we need your help again.
From the bottom of my heart…thank you, thank you, thank you!
Julie Duncan, Operations Manager